The Abu Dhabi Businesswomen Council, a subsidiary to the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is continuing its efforts to provide orientation seminars of the 6th edition of the Best Innovative and Creative Project Award 2021 in addition to workshops on how to submit the participation form.
The Council is still receiving application forms, which reflects the success of the award since its inception in 2016, through which it realized the bulk of its objectives and visions in developing the submitted project ideas.
The award comes within the ADBWC’s five-year strategic plans 2020-2024 to increase women participation in business entrepreneurship and to spread the culture of creativity and innovation
The Award works on supporting and encouraging creative and innovative talents from university graduates and entrepreneurs to come up with new project ideas and to support the ideas of the winning projects to enter the markets by providing them with the necessary services, training, and information and by embracing their ideas in order to transform them into real projects
The Canvas Business Model
the CANVAS model is easy to use and adopted internationally with more than five million users globally. It pushes towards business innovation, helps initiate new business models with ease, fast and not expensive. It also contributes to analyzing and upgrading the current business model.
The activities of the award will remain virtual and can be accessed through following the link and then filling in the registration form online.
The award will include three categories: The individual ideas category of women entrepreneurs of new innovative ideas and initiatives in businesses.
The second category includes collective ideas of sets of no more than five women in each group. Each woman in any group can apply for the award individually as well.
The third category will be dedicated to outstanding women entrepreneurs, which will be available for winners of previous editions of the award. The same terms and assessment standards will apply. In addition, registration and all the required procedures must be made online and the idea must be innovative or creative as well as economically feasible and executable.
Award Objectives
It is worth noting that the award will motivate and encourage women entrepreneurs and owners of innovative and creative projects from university and higher institute graduates to join in with new ideas and projects. It will also support innovative ideas to turn them into real projects that can be executed and encourages women with creative ideas to refine their skills and capabilities through habilitation and training in the field of entrepreneurship.

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